130K Crypto Twitter-X Legacy Verified 4L Account : $2400 + Feee TODAY

Amount of followers: 130K
Country of followers (majority): BD 60% USA 4%
Topic/Niche: Rebranded to Crypto Niche
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic but renamed to crypto


Hi guys, I am selling this Crypto Niche page of X (Twitter) which is Legacy Verified and have 4L Username.

The account name etc has been recently changed, the account doesnt have bot followers.

It has no violations
It has no strikes or whatsoever.
It comes with OGE

Please DM to discuss more details, I am open to hear all offers

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DM with the price mate and link please

Ive sent you PM buddy

Price and URL

I have sent you PM.
I have priced this for quick SALE : 2400 + fees

hi, still available?

PM me the link and current offer.

Hi yes it’s still available… I’ve sent you both link and price

I want to buy this

I;ve sent you PM with link & price.
waiting to hear back :slight_smile:

how many verified followers do you have for this account?

Please pm price handle

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Ive sent you PM.

waiting to hear back

Please DM me account :pray:

Ive sent you PM, waiting to hear back.

I have other Crypto Legacy Verified X (Twitter Accounts) too