196k Non Personal Omlet Aracde Account

Country of followers (majority): USA+Europe
Amount of fans/followers: 196k
Topic/Niche: Memes, Games
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

Description: omlet account with over 100k followers

Pm me price and name

Can you explain further what omlet actually is? And the link you’ve provided is 404.

And the link actually works if you have the app installed on your device, it will direct you to my profile page

It’s a social media app where you create pages and communities just like any other platform, it’s also been a huge streaming platform lately.

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But on PC there is nothing to install, and the link shows 404 when I use the browser.

Try visiting https://omlet.gg/ and search the last 6 letters of that link.

I reset the price to 800$ but you can always dm me a price.

dm handle plz

The account is still for sale

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