1K subscribers non-monetized Youtube channel for sale | USA, UK, CANADA audience

Amount of subscribers: 1250
Country of subscribers (majority): USA, UK, Canada, Germany
Topic/Niche: Product reviews, unboxing, product hauls.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Hi guys, I’m selling my youtube channel. It is non-monetized. It is a tiktok compilation channel. On this channel, within the past 6 months I have earned via affiliate marketing, promos and other methods.

  1. Total watch time hours are 12,754.
  2. Total subscribers count is 1250
  3. Impression through click rate is 6.3%
  4. Viewers are from top countries like US, UK, CANADA, GERMANY.
  5. Monthly views on channel are around 30000.
    I have added the screenshots as well, for further information.

lifetime geo

Handle pls

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