1m Subs Youtube Account for Sale, 1B Views, Arts and Crafts

Amount of subscribers: 1000000
Country of subscribers (majority): India, Indonesia, Brazil
Topic/Niche: Arts and Crafts
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Listing Description:

The channel boasts over 1 million subscribers and has no warnings or strikes.

The channel’s older videos have accumulated over 1 billion views.

It can undergo rebranding and re-verification in the client’s name, if needed.

I accept cryptocurrency as payment, with bank wire as an option in extreme cases.

Comprehensive historical screenshots are provided, demonstrating organic growth with over 1 billion views.

The channel is eligible for monetization, making it an excellent choice for launching a new project.

I also have 10 additional channels with 1 million or more subscribers available for sale. Additionally, we offer channels with subscriber counts ranging from 100k to 900k.

As a trusted member of the community, I have successfully delivered over 150 properties on this platform. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.

Thank you.


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Is your account still for sale?


lol this is my content haha

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Channel URL pls,


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