2.7M Youtube Channel | 300K Subs last 30 Days | Original Content | Verified | MONETIZED 400-500$ per Month

Amount of subscribers: 2.720.000
Country of subscribers (majority): International (India, Vietnam, Indonesia)
Topic/Niche: Experiment/Burning/Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic, Super viral Shorts


Hi there,

selling a channel I worked on for the last few months. It grew to 2.7M Subs in not even 5 Months through Original super viral content. Monetized and earns 400-500$ per Month.

  1. Can be re-verified on your desired name
  2. Gold & Silver Play button NOT claimed, but also not claimable, a potential buyer will need to contact YouTube Support to claim it
  3. 400-500$ per Month
  4. Original Content
  5. 300K Subs in the past 28 days
  6. Payment in Crypto

