$200k profit first year | Decentralized Crypto Casino

To date there has been about $8m wagered on the site in the last year with a 2.5% profit margin. There has been no paid marketing in the history of the site. All of the revenue is passive income essentially.

Asking price is 500 ETH.

Revenue can be increased by just simply running a few marketing campaigns, influencer campaigns or negotiating with other EVM chains to integrate their network. You can also charge other projects to integrate their tokens as we have added support for ERC-20 tokens, so all you have to do is deploy a few more contracts and integrate it to the frontend.

Guidance will be provided to you after purchase, and all the smart contracts, domain and social media access will be fully transferred to you.

Current games on the site are coinflip, roulette, crash, dice and lottery. They are all fully built out both on the frontend and the game logic is handled on the blockchain which is also fully built out. Everything works perfectly.


Nice! Gl

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interested in this, whats the url to the site?

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is this still for sale very interested and what’s the URL to the site

I’m interested in this could I have some more info

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