221K - Top USA Facebook Page | Amazon Sale & Product Review Niche | Instream Ads, Reels & Bonus Approved

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 221K
Topic/Niche: Amazon Sales & Product Review
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Hello, Top G Community
Iā€™m here to sale a 221k followers page (audience based from tier country - United States, Canada & UK :rocket:

The main purpose of this page is to review
products and sell Amazon products (This page is perfect for those who do drop shipping) Product review type content gets very good response :bar_chart:

This page contains all types of monetization tools of Facebook like In-Stream Ads, Reels Overlay & Bonus.:money_with_wings:

Below are the screenshots and
if you like let me know if you are interested :fire:

Payment Method - Bank Wire/USDT

Please PM the link and price. Thanks

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check dm @justaname


yes @Rehman available