Amount of fans/followers: 24.2K
Amount of Likes: 536.6K
Amount of Views: 8M+ (all videos combined)
Country of followers (majority): Pakistan, India.
Topic/Niche: Pakistan Politics/Imran Khan PTI.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): 100% Organic
Account age: 1 year+
Payment Method: PayPal or Bank Transfer Only.
• Organically grown Tiktok Account from 0 to 24.2k Followers, 536.6k likes, viral videos and 8M+ views in less than 2 years.
• keep it in mind, I wasn’t using it for a few months now so when you first post, it may seem like its low but it will be good in just a lil period of time. If I can make my 2 3 videos viral in less than 2 year starting from 0 then I’m sure you can do better with 24.2k followers.
• Viral Videos are still receiving likes and comments even after months so yeah reach of acc is good.
• Audience in my account is mostly or I say 90% are from Pakistan and India.
• Not monetized but I fulfilled all requirements for monetization so you just have to convert the acc to Uas acc and apoly for it. (No hustle)
• Account Analytics below:
• for you need more details, you can dm me. Thank You!