|*248K US Top*|* JDM Facebook*|*USA High Traffic Page|cars int

Country of followers (majority): USA Top

Amount of followers: 248K

Topic/Niche: Cars | Gamin | High Traffic | High Engagement

Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):
Organic 100%


Hello everyone,

I am offering for sale a highly engaging fan page with an active USA-based audience. The page falls under a top-performing category and primarily shares short videos.

The page has no restrictions, is fully green, and is eligible for ads. It does not have any monetization features activated or restricted. The followers are primarily from the USA, and the content shared is wholesome and family-friendly (no controversial or inappropriate material).

The page is also open to name changes, and its recommendation feature is active.

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Link and price. Thanks.

I’ve sent you PM fordmrford, kindly check!

PM link and price

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