285K YouTube Channel. Account with so much views. (Music, Songs)

Amount of subscribers: 285000
Country of subscribers (majority): India, USA
Topic/Niche: Songs, Music.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic.

Description: Account have so much views, account is ready for monetization, just have not time for this account.
Payment method : BTC

if you can monetize it again then I can buy rn!

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Its requeire 15days,I have not much time for it. But account is ready for monetization as I said in description.

Only 2.3% views come from USA audience so I wouldn’t even include it above since it’s basically just India majority. :slight_smile:


This was previously listed by someone who is banned, please confirm the ownership of this.

I can write your nickname in description :))

That works.

Done, check it please.

Relisted, thank you.

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Your welcome, thank you.

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Price please


URL & price please
