30k Youtube channel for sale!

Amount of subscribers: 30.300
Country of subscribers (majority): Greece
Topic/Niche: Politics / Occasional gaming streams
Promotion methods used:Completely Organic

Description: Small monetized Greek YouTube channel for sale. Primary focus was discussion on political/societal issues, no strikes however. Selling because I grew out of YouTube. Price slightly negotiable, pm me for any inquiries!

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Hello, can u please send the link?

Plz send the link


link please

link please?

Pm link please

I’ll buy for 400

Please text my discord [Edit by mod] You are not allowed to communicate offsite.

I would like to buy if still available. Send link please

I’m interested

I will buy it now. Give me best price and channel link.

link please

pm link

Link please

Please PM link

pm link

pm final price + link. very interested

Pm link

Hello, send me the link