326k cat page | 14.8% USA audience | Over 1 billion impressions in 6 months | Over 70M reach per month | Price negotiable

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 326k
Topic/Niche: Cats
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Oragnic

Description: The account made 7k in revenue in one and a half month from selling affiliate products. You can get your money back in just a month or two by selling products. Proof of sales below.

Our account is one of the fastest growing page with the craziest reach of 50M to 100M per month. And over 1 billion impressions in 6 months alone.

We got 6 viral posts with over 1M likes and hundreds with over 500k likes. We got one post with 500k likes 2 days ago so its a super active account that is getting over 2.5k followers daily.

Please note 7k is not income its revenue, so I earned 20% in affiliate of that, if I owned that store that would have been 4k in profits.

Proof of sales, sales were done through a affiliate program so, here are the affiliately dashboard screenshots

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