390k hip hop page

Amount of followers: 391,000
Country of followers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Music / Hiphop
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic & follow for follow.

Description: selling a hiphop Twitter that’s been inactive in 2021. Easily could turn this page back to life or rebrand. Will unfollow everyone for you upon checkout.

Username and price?

Interested can I turn this into a personal pop artists page?

Yes you could rebrand easily to a personal!


Profile and price?

Link and price

handle please!

sent handle to everyone


@ and co

handle and current offer please

Current Offer?

username & current offer pls

Username and price?

price and username?

@ & price?

Username and last price


Handle and current best offer please :slight_smile: