403k Followers IG Account for Sale | TOP USA

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers:403.840
Does it include the OG (original) email?:Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):Organic

Description: Instagram account with 403k followers in the Nails/Beauty niche,the account comes with OG email, currently the account is growing 800-1k followers daily.Majority of the audience is from the USA,i have made good money with it through shoutouts and drop shipping.The account is created and grown by me there is no previous owner

check ur dm


405k now

Check ur dm

406k followers currently,gained 3k followers in 2 days

Friendly Bump

416k now, grew 3k followers in one day and sold 2 promos

what’s current offer?

Please send the @ in the DM. Also, what’s the current offer? Please let me know.

Replied to all in the DM also the account is at 465k now,it gained 60k followers in 30 days, currently growing with 5k followers per day