5.7m viral account, Grows rapidly [got 15k$ offer] selling ASAP

Reached 5.5m Followers

500k Followers in just 19 days :heart:

DM handle please

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Check D.M …!

Bump…! page reached 5.6m Followers :heart:

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Update : Got 12k offer, won’t be keeping the page for long.

Hit me up :slight_smile:

Btw page reached 5.7m

Is this photoshopped, as I never saw a verified badge for my story viewers?

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Naah, I literally took the screenshot. I’ll attach another screenshot from my gallerywhere I took it after a couple hours immediately when I saw verified mark viewer.

Image from my gallery with the meta data details :slight_smile:

It’s a trend going on where verified users or High level users seeing stories of extremely viral account randomly on the explore page which in turn get rhem more attention & profile visits

Besides, why would I want to photoshop this one which doesn’t add too many value for the account into the forum where everyone will rip u off if found cheating & pay the price of loosing the 2 year credibility &vip badge.

You may be holding a different type of account


Yeh I didn‘t mean to say you photoshoped it, I just wondered because I have a verified account and when I view the story of others it doesn’t show the badge.

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Its look like desi Insta page🤪

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Topic got tagged as india,
I clearly mentioned india as majority,
And my mate what more proofs you need to find this as desi :lying_face:

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That happens a lot…

If you’re buying from @MediaBoy you can have a peaceful sleep without any worries.


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