Amount of subscribers: 115k
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Auto
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
YouTube Channel for Sale: 115K Subs | 500K Views | Verified | $1000
Channel Details:
- Subscribers: 115K REAL & ACTIVE
- Real-Time Views: 500K with high engagement
- No Strikes / No Warnings
- Not Monetized Yet (Can be monetized after content change)
- Silver Play Button: Unclaimed, can be claimed after monetization
- Verified (Verification can be transferred to buyer’s name)
Price: $1000
Payment: USDT (Tether)
Fees: Buyer pays transaction fees
For more details or to make an offer, DM me!
Get your hands on this established channel today and start monetizing!