520k Active Youtube Channel

Country of followers (majority): India, Egypt,United States
Amount of fans/followers: 510000
Topic/Niche: Entertaintment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):
+Recently Applied for Monetization Review
+Great to start a new project with it as it has a good number of Subs on it.
+Old videos are deleted. Some are there on Channel.
+Current Audience is Indian/Egypt.
+Bank Wire preferred as payment.
+All history screenshots uploaded.
+No bargain. Price is final.
I had to delete old videos in order to prevent from copyright strike. i have total views of about 100m , and average of 2000 subs daily as channel is growing is super fast with organic subsc

ribers. Huge potential in this channel.Pm me if interested

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Subscriber increased to 513k, current offer is 6100$ pm me if interested

Still for sale

Price dropped to 4600$, pm me if interested. Still for sale

Price dropped to 4200$

Nice development.


Subscriber increased to 520k

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$500 now

Can you dm me link detail


Still for sale

link please
