SOLD/5.2k Watch Time hours+ 1.1K Subs Monetized HQ Channel

Amount of subscribers: 1.1k Subscribers
Country of subscribers: Unites States, China, India, Vietnam
Topic/Niche: Gaming Vlogs channel
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation)
Payment Method- Paypal, Bankwire

Description: 5k Views and 1k Subs monetized channel available for sale. No copyrights or removal requests, channel is clean. Interested parties can PM and I will send the URL, Check the screenshots of the analytics, monetization, copyright strike etc tabs. Any doubts, message me and will clear it. Price is $300(channel price) + escrow fees covered by the buyer, the price can be negotiated.

Final Channel SS3




Still Available

hi whats the link


Check PM. Thanks

link please

I sent you a PM. Please check and let me know if you need any more info! Thanks


Channel still available


PM sent!

Price has been dropped from $300 to $280

hey hi please pm me. do you accept payment through paypal? Can you send me the link of the channel, please?

PM Sent! Thank you!

Very interested. Please PM url

PM Sent!