65k News / Controversial FB Page (Tier 1)

Property type: FB Page
Amount of fans/followers: 65k
Country of followers (majority): US, but also UK/Australia in Top 5
Topic/Niche: US News, Controversial News
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: Best offer

Description: This ia a great page with solid reach and a good amount of discussion going on. People come from different walks of life and are often in disagreement which sometimes leads to discussions and consequently better reach. You can say this is an active community, still small but ready to be nurtured and turned into something huge. The page has a majority of US followers but also Pakistan, India, UK and Australia in the Top 5. It is up to you which fans you feed and grow. I am selling due to time contraints and some bigger projects.

Please send url and price

Hello OP, could you please PM me with the age of your followers? Also how many of them are from US ? And last thing… what price do you have in mind? I’m really interested !

Url and isights please

Please send URL and price

URL and price please

Can you send me the URL please and current price!

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