673K subscribers verified badge and more than 48000$ Earnings

Amount of subscribers: 673000
Country of subscribers (majority): Algeria
Topic/Niche: Luxury and Motivation
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

That’s remarkable! This YouTube channel is truly a valuable asset. With an impressive 673K subscribers, 204 million views, and 6.7 million watch hours, it has established a significant presence on the platform. The channel’s hard work and engaging content have resulted in a substantial total earnings of $48,548.41.

With 1.4 billion impressions, the channel has effectively reached and engaged a massive audience. The absence of copyrights and strikes further highlights the channel’s adherence to content policies and its clean track record.

The availability of a Silver Award and verification status adds prestige and credibility to the channel, reinforcing its established reputation. The genuine and active subscriber base ensures continued engagement and interaction with your content.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a successful YouTube channel with a verified status, significant earnings, and a dedicated subscriber base. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards acquiring this exceptional channel!

If this is monetized, message me.

It is monetised rn but i deleted the videos

so it will get demonetized?

If you post videos no

url please.