73.9k full active page for sale in 800$ negotiable

Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: 73.9k
Topic/Niche: Travel - Pick Up Lines
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic, F/U, Slow Growth from Likes, IG Stories

Description: I created about several accounts in different niches in May/June 2017. I have a couple that I now monetize and going in that direction and ready to sell off the remainder. Two have been successfully sold already.

This IG account was created on Mobile and then grown with MP with F/U, Likes, IG story views and continuous posting. No bought followers.

Targeted accounts for growth were in NICHE and largest category India audience and age 24-34 demo. I made this account on my personal email.

I have not run IG stories on this account so lots of room to grow with focused content.

Payment via paypal.

Please read our T&Cā€™s it is against our rules to comunicate about this listing off site.

Pm me

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