89.6K Very Active Food Account

Country of followers (majority): USA(21%)
Amount of followers: 89,6K
Topic/Niche: Food
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):
Organic/Follow Unfollow
A very Active account in the food niche which grows 500-900 followers a day, I want to sell it, because I want to focus on other businesses
the account is doing worse right now than it normally would, but I will include all screenshots from how it normally performs and how it does now

handle please

Hey, can I get the page name please?

Username, thanks

Price and username

price and username plz

Username please


pm handle please and price

Price please

Hi, what would be the price? Thank you!

handle please

Handle please. Thanks!

Handle please

hey! let me know if this is available and pm me the handle

Interested. Please share info

Handle please?

Handle please

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