960K FB Page (Science/Tech Domain) with Active USA Audience

Country of followers (majority): India (US close 2nd with 12.5% Audience)
Amount of followers: 967k
Topic/Niche: Science and Technology
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic


Selling my highly active page with the most engaged US audience. It has great reach and growth potential. Selling because I don’t have enough time to manage it.

Been working with MinuteMedia and GoatAgency in the past to generate revenue.

Some of the viral posts:

One policy violation from a couple of years ago. Never submitted page for review.

Happy to share more stats.


whats the link ?


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can you please share with the link?

sent via PM

can you share page link and links reach stats? Is IA & Instream enabled?

URL and final price

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