96k verified yt channel

Amount of subscribers: 96,000
Country of subscribers (majority): Germany
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Looking to sell my channel as I no longer have time to upload onto it. The first video with promotion on my social networks gained a large amount of views which has since decreased due to inactivity. Loyal fan base from my 750k tiktok account

Channel is verified

Message me for more information.

24hr offer: will sell this for $700!!

i’ll start checkout ticket if you’re able to send the award.

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This listing is just for the channel only, thanks

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Link and price?

link and price please ?

please send me th elink

Still for sale, will accept a quick sale price

name can be changeable to any desire name ?

Name can be changed however I’m unsure if the verified mark will stay

thats what i am concerned too only …

because if the badge will away after name changing than there is no point to buy this account

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Price updated!

i didnt get reply, check pm

Is it still available?

300 my offer

Url please


pm handle

Price and name pls