Buy/Sell/Trade Business Leads

Buy/sell business leads list to fuel your sales force and direct marketing efforts.

Welcome to the Business Leads category. This category has been created to help our members find and connect with potential customers, partners, and other business opportunities in a secure and efficient manner.

At SWAPD, we understand the importance of building a strong network and expanding your business horizons. With the Business Leads category, we aim to provide a valuable resource for our members to discover and exchange high-quality leads that can contribute to the growth and success of their businesses.

The Business Leads category covers a variety of opportunities, including but not limited to:

  1. Potential customer contacts
  2. Industry-specific leads
  3. B2B connections
  4. Partnership opportunities
  5. Affiliate marketing prospects

To ensure the best experience for our members and maintain the highest standards of quality, we encourage everyone to adhere to the following guidelines when using the Business Leads category:

  1. Provide accurate and detailed information about the leads you are offering.
  2. Verify the legitimacy and relevance of the leads before posting or purchasing.
  3. Respect the privacy of individuals and businesses by not sharing any sensitive or personal information without consent.
  4. Clearly communicate your expectations and requirements when exchanging leads.
  5. Leave honest feedback on completed transactions to help others make informed decisions.

Business Leads category rules

Buyer Rules

Please note that starting disputes for things purchased in this category is impossible. You cannot purchase something here, decide it wasn’t worth it, and expect a refund. Buyers’ only option in transactions where they’re unhappy is to leave the seller proper SWAPD feedback. SWAPD staff will ignore any dispute requests for things purchased in this category, so proceed at your own risk. The second most important rule for buyers is to keep the data purchased confidential (no leaks). Any buyer leaking purchased information, whether he is happy/unhappy, will lead to a permanent SWAPD suspension. Reselling purchased leads is also forbidden. Buyers are encouraged to leave proper SWAPD feedback and a review post inside the seller’s sales thread.

Seller Rules

  1. Each sale has to go through SWAPD’s checkout system.
  2. The fee for this category is the same as Services - Other (please see our fee calculator ).
  3. No hacked/illegally obtained databases allowed!
  4. Reselling leads purchased from other members is not allowed.
  5. Please create clear terms when starting a new checkout ticket, so there aren’t any misunderstandings. SWAPD staff reserves the right to withhold the payout if unclear terms were set.
  6. This category is strictly for business leads or contact intros.
  7. Although not required, sellers are encouraged to provide information on how the leads were obtained and whether he/she has permission to sell them.

As always, the safety and satisfaction of our members remain our top priorities. Our dedicated staff will be monitoring the “Business Leads” category to ensure that all transactions are conducted in accordance with our terms and conditions.