Adult Tube Site | 3-4K Visitors Per Day | Nice Domain | Premium Script | Cheap

Selling this site only for script, themes and plugins price!

Price: Just $150 + Swapd Fee
Includes WP-script premium themes and plugins.
Payment Method: BTC

Traffic: 3-4K per day

Mobile Traffic: % 88,6
PC: % 8,75

Geography: USA,UK,Canada,Germany,Australia
Revenue: $65 in 15 Days

Traffic Stats

> Geography

> Revenue



Traffic source: Direct traffic, social media. Traffic and revenue will be permanent. I will provide you a simple tutorial for that. You can easily get more traffic and revenue from that site. Also you will get premium script, theme and plugins (Wp-Script)

Let me know if you want to learn anything about the site.

Hey, PM me all details.

Pm sent.

Note: Includes all the site data, premium script and plugins.

You can grab the videos with WPS Mass Embedder or Single Embedder just one click. If you want you can add the videos as manual too.

Hosting: Godaddy
Monthly Expenses: $8

Still available. Stats for last 2 days:
Unique Visitors: 6K
Revenue: $7

Hey pm me all the details

PM sent. Also price dropped.

Still available.

pm details?

PM sent.

Still available.

Send me full details with a PM

Price dropped! Selling this site only for script, themes and plugins price!

Hey could you show me older statistics, not just the last 15 days. Thanks😊

Site is 1,5 months old. I just sent you metrica control panel with PM.


Still available.

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