AUTOMATED Sales Prospecting $3000 - 100% Custom Prospecting for Any Business - Harness the Power of AI to Qualify and Nurture Your Leads into Paying Customers!

Service type:
AI Cold Calling Representative

$3,000 Setup and Deployment of AI Sales Agents


We all know the power of 1:1 interactions in driving business. We also know the lift of managing a routine of cold-calling, rejections, and follow-ups that are simply part of the process of generating cold business. That’s where my new service on SWAPD comes in, and is going to be the first of many depending on the level of interest of general AI / business solutions demand that I see from this initial posting. I’m an agency owner, developer, and solutions architect that lives on the cutting edge of utilizing tools to help me and my clients get ahead. I’ve never offered this as a service out in the public, but know from the results achieved through personal experience and through the sucess of clients, this has the potential to drive measurable impact for any business with an offer, a target audience, and a leads list. If you’re new to AI and want to harness the power to help you get ahead, I am your dude - lets chat, and build great businesses together!