Brands + Public Figures Only - Twitter Username Claims - Still Working! (Direct rep) DIAMOND MEMBER - SUPER FAST!

can you do twitter unban?

Check DM, thanks

Hello, iI require a username on twitter which is inactive since 12 years. Never posted. ITs dead.
Was hoping that Elon will delete inactive usernamesā€¦ but waiting now since ages and it didnā€™t happened.
Is that possible?

I can 100% guarantee you that Elon is not deleting / making available usernames for free. There will be a marketplace and prices will be extremely high via that.

Well, all I want is to buy is a HANDLE which someone created in 2011.
Never tweeted, never liked, and never did anything ever on Twitter, just at 0.

Can you still do Twitter claims heard that internally twitter reps have stopped doing inactive claims because they are rolling out selling inactive users directly on platform? Any word on this?

Yes I can. Feel free to DM me

Check DM <3

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Sending DM.

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