Bug tracker! We've recently upgraded our core, help us track bugs

Still being worked on. The dark theme may have to be re-selected by users who had it set as default.


Another bug, you can hide the banner, but the hide button will still be visible at the top (s10+)

@Petrecocos - The banner should be disabled for mobile users not even sure why you’re seeing it.

I didn’t see it until a few minutes ago, that’s why it’s probably a bug

Can you restart your browser and or app?

All good now, but the light theme is blinding me urghhh

You can switch to dark now.

@shaunthomas is up and will save us from this mess (our UI guy).

I hope this is a bug

That not a bug, the tabs stay.

Not a bug but is there anyway to mute certain categories? I can’t keep viewing these babe pages haha

You can mute any category or tags if you like in your preferences:

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Most UI bugs have been fixed. Please hard refresh and/or restart your apps.

iPhone 12 Pro Max. Seems fine for me.

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Nice! Thank you. We’re now working on updating our mobile apps.

I’d say that update seems good!
Love it :heart:


iPhone 13 Pro Max 2056GB💪


@coehn looking at our 64 GB iPad prize:


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