Buying INSTANT unban Method

Someone legit, teach me how to do instant unbans, or connect me with a real rep who does instant unbans.

I have a few reps but i don’t understand how to do the instant unbans, it seems like everyone just popped out of no where doing instant unbans and then some people really don’t even do instant unbans and say they do lol

Someone legit teach me or give me your REAL instant unban contact i am willing to pay for mentorship or Give you a Google ad grant account which is $10,000 a month to spend on search campaigns FREE! $120K A YEAR.

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It’s not a method, haha—it’s a rep. They’re all just reselling each other :')

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So you are telling me the entire industry is going through one rep ? The same rep ? Wtf

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There are about 2 main reps.

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Wow that’s insane

Well if anyone wants $120,000 a year ($10k a month) in free Google ad spend for one of those reps contact information I am so down :joy::joy:

Wanting champagne on a beer budget.

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LMAO nah ,thats just how YOU value it friend lol

Any advertiser understands the crazy value in having Ad accounts that give you $10k a month to promote anything you wants through search campaigns. I see it as more than fair. All one has to do is pass me contact info so that i can generate income for myself as well, its not like the rep will stop working with the person lol theres more than enough money to go around off site and on site.

Turning the ad account into digital real estate by renting it for $1500-$3k a month or out right selling it for $5,000 +, when you got it for $0.

Turning $0 into 6-7 figures ( With right offer)

Having $0 CPA

Generating leads & sales with out coming out of pocket.

Scaleable , you get more ad grant accounts and scale to having $1m a year or even $1m a month in FREE ad spend if done properly

The opportunities are endless especially if you have the right offer and know what you are doing, we are talking about a FREE 10k a month not a free 1k lol You also dont have to worry about the a rep not repsponding, moving slow, quitting or getting fired lmao


I’m just saying it costs you nothing. I got a similar offer before from someone. They REALLY want to join and benefit, but don’t want to invest anything themselves—just looking to give away already accessible resources.

Just DM me with your cases. My prices are incl fees making it the cheapest here :slight_smile:

"I dont want you to find an instant unban rep and grow your biz in house, just send me all your cases "

Lol Friend you shouldve just said that from the beginning


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Oh, trust me, you’re more than welcome. Good luck. It’s not that simple getting a rep for beer budget.

But it is simple enough to come under this post and throw shade towards a fellow swapd community member that’s trying to build and grow!

Thank you for your motivation @mae :heart:


Oh, believe me, the only thing on sale here is the media portal. Selling a rep contact? That’s a whole different ball game. I wouldn’t do it, and I doubt anyone else would either. I’m offering you the contact of the person I’m dealing with under the table at META! The rep himself would never agree to this, and it would be a pretty dumb move to ask him.
In case, it’s somehow possible for someone to sell his rep contact (to be exposed to a stranger),
First, SHOULD ASK the rep, because it’s not an object or item that I can just transfer to you. He/she is a real human being, and I’m sure they’ll want to know exactly who the client is and demand a hefty sum of $$$ to ensure this risky exposure isn’t for low-tier clients or someone without a substantial client/company base.


Thank you @moh.

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BTW, your offer is good to buy a portal, but as @mae said it’s not a simple thing to have a rep contact, as to build a relation with a rep and having him in your contacts in the first place is challenging!

Thank you for your insight @Moh your opinion is appreciated .

@Moh I’ve seen swapd members post and offer contact information, access, access to events, emails to executive and so on and so forth. I’ve seen plenty of that, you and me both. There is also a Mentoring category available lol

Just to remind you, I put out the listing for individuals who are willing to do it, whether for compensation, payment, exchange or 50/50 partnership. The point is I posted to see what swapd members are willing to teach or give information on this.

@Moh I believe it’s challenging but it’s not going to stop me from trying or coming up with an agreement. In this situation I believe it’s based on how valuable either or is to whoever it is who’s interested, but you’d never know if you don’t post the listing to the community.

I don’t have a problem with what @mae is trying to say, maybe he or she could’ve said it with less shade thrown, but I believe the shade stems from feeling some type of way and wanting me to send cases to him/her (Like he/she said) instead of investing in myself and trying to grow lol

( I respectfully say he/she because I don’t know if it is a man or woman so referring to both )

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Yes, I understand. Perhaps someone with a strong relationship could manage it. I wish you the best of luck in finding a willing helper. Nonetheless, I still believe that connecting with a representative at a leading digital media company can be quite challenging.
I don’t mean to discourage you, as I also believe that nowadays, many things are possible. So. really, I wish you the best!!

Thank you @Moh Wishing you and @mae the best of luck as well :heart:

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am just doing impersonation and spam within 24h. sometimes 1h max to unban

We need people from here apply for jobs inside meta in relevant departments lol and send a mole in.