Cheap Instagram With 1-9m followers

Price: 1000-5000

I am looking for a cheap Instagram account with 1m-9m followers.

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I know a 1.4m account going for 4.5k but very inactive

PM Username

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edited by staff

Price Negotiable?

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I can negotiate slightly I do have other accounts cheaper that are over 500k but tell me what you are offering

I’m currently in a deal for a 1.1m follower account for, $1950. Since this account you’re offering has 300k more Would you take $2500? If not whats the minimum would you go?

Also what are the other accounts you have? I need to purchase a 1m+, two 300K+, four 100k+ accounts. and five 50k+ accounts.

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Well I’m an agent and at the moment I have
100k+ starting from $800

50k+, start from $450 all USD

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