Crypto Swapper - What is it and how to use it?

Introducing Cryptocurrency Swaps

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, we understand the need for a simple, secure, and efficient method to swap one cryptocurrency for another. The /swap page allows you to do exactly that. With just a few clicks, you can exchange one type of cryptocurrency for another, all within the comfort and security of the SWAPD platform.

SimpleSwap Technologies: Our Trusted Partner

We have partnered with SimpleSwap Technologies, a renowned name in the field of cryptocurrency management, to bring this feature to life. They handle all the technicalities of the swap process, ensuring that each transaction is seamless, secure, and efficient.

Key Features of the /swap page

1. User-Friendly Interface: The /swap page offers an easy-to-navigate interface that makes the swap process straightforward, even for novice users.

2. Secure Transactions: Leveraging SimpleSwap Technologies’ robust security measures, you can rest assured that every transaction is carried out with the utmost level of security.

3. Wide Variety of Cryptocurrencies: The /swap page supports a vast range of cryptocurrencies, providing you with the flexibility to switch between your preferred digital currencies.

4. Fast Processing Times: We understand that time is of the essence. With SimpleSwap Technologies backing the /swap page, you can expect quick processing times for all your cryptocurrency swaps.


How to use the Crypto Swapper

  1. Navigate to (or select the link from our sidebar)
  2. In the top field, pick which currency you want to trade and the amount
  3. In the bottom field, enter the currency you want to receive
  4. The system will calculate the final payout
  5. Click Exchange
  6. Enter your wallet address where you wish to receive the exchanged funds
  7. Click Create an Exchange

You should be presented with the following confirmation:


Make sure to copy the Exchange ID in case of problems. It’s the only way to track a payment in case something goes wrong. If you navigate away from the page, the exchange process will not stop, but you will not be able to view the Exchange ID again.

Once the exchange is completed, you should receive the following confirmation:


Please remember!

  1. Do not refresh the page. The system auto-reloads. Sometimes exchanges can take anywhere from a few minutes to one hour. If you refresh the page, you will start from step one. However, the process that you’ve started is working in the background, and your funds will arrive in your wallet.
  2. Once you’ve started an exchange, it’s OK to leave the page. But you will not be able to see the TxID confirmations if you do.
  3. SWAPD does not control or operate the system. In case of problems, please contact SWAPD staff for further assistance. You will need your Exchange ID when asking for help.
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