Dead page 8K

Property type:fb page
Amount of fans/followers:7971
Country of followers (majority):
Price:18 $


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move up

Is this really a forum where people will start selling worthless stuff for 18usd?
Throw the page out and make a new one and dont do the many thing you did on this one!

admin kindly check the language of @toms.
@toms its non of ur buisness, atleast i am not fooling the person active page or whatever.

There is no real value in what you are selling and this forum is not made for newbies to make few bucks out of selling worthless stuff. I will send you 18 usd, give me your paypal and throw the page out

ok send il throw it out

pm me your paypal

close the topic admin

I sent the money, manoj said he will delete the page.
I will give him few tips, so he can start earning decent money with FB also :slight_smile:


Closed topic.

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