Wish you everything best in the future on your road!
The true SWAPD admin way, you’re an enemy from the start.
I have to add my two cents here. I’ve seen Goofy grow over the past months/years. This kid (yes, he’s young) is going straight to the top. His work ethic, ideas, drive to innovate, and slick tongue makes him the man who can get things done.
Now put that text into a funnel and start selling online courses :))
Can say for both services you provided. You have been the best to deliver.
We are so proud of you!!
From Habbo to the big boy league, only a few of us branched out and made a killing
Thank you for being a real one, proud of you brother
You forgot to mention the highlight of your time here, meeting me.
How I wish I knew about social media e few years back
start it now
@Goofy your a legend. Got stuff done that was impossible IMO. Keep up the good work and keep growing
Inspirational all the best @Goofy
You are one of the best in the community @Goofy .
Hope you many success in the future .
I teared up a little
This is awesome! Congratulations man!
congratulations, inspirational talk From best admin.
Keep it going ! Thank you for all you do at Swapd.co , your value here just on what you have provided here is undeniable. Not even mentioning the professionalism, courtesy, etc. Wish you the best of luck.
On a side note, to all the hustlers and kings/queens here, I totally agree about goofy’s take on social media - to add on high quality and like-minded communities like Swapd will be the future. Let’s all keep striving to make this place the best while all earning $$$
More than the services, I’m just truly thankful and glad I met Goofy! He’s a gem of a person and we have a lot in common in terms of thinking about the future/money management and all.
Social Media is here to stay and we are the pioneers behind it! An incredible journey you have @Goofy Swapd has began to change my life and I am sure tons of other members on this website can say the same