Check dm
I need unbanned
He was last seen 9 hours ago, so I don’t think he’s away.
He doesn’t reply to DM’s though. Bit weird
Yes but he does not reply to any DM’s
PM’d you - check your PM!
PM sent
No response for a week.
i would like to use your services asap
Are you taking any cases? if so PM ME
Closing due to inactivity.
Just did one permanent ban on site for @platclaimer in couple of hours and one tos in couple of hours for @berforest
@Thanos is THE GOAT! WOW! I’m amazed by what this guy has done, he literally unbanned the most impossible account to get unbanned and he fixed it!
I need my account unbanned asap
Pm me.
Can get anything back, even perm and copyright