DIAMOND SELLER | Facebook & Instagram SERVICES FOR PUBLIC FIGURES: Verifications | Username Claims | Verified Username Changes | Unlock/Unbans | 2FA Problems | Account Merges [CHEAP & FAST] FB | IG

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If you do not take the time to read my topic before messaging me, I will not respond.

Another one completed onsite!

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Just sent you the required docs. Looking forward to dealing!

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Can you switch usernames if I own both usernames and need it transferred to verified one.
For example have VerifiedNameOfficial and have account with VerifiedName without official on a separate account


Damn :confused: I own Trademark also so I wanna file a case against it myself and have them swap but scared loose check

Can somebody help me get my instagram veriifed I got quite a bit of press, google knowledge panel, facebook and tiktok verified, few books

Please spend your money

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bump, added a bunch of things

Hey. Can you unban my 3m verified acc? I can’t see the ban reason. Was banned first with this captcha

And then when I login this screen appears but it doesn’t go and it’s 2 months now that is there:

Can you unban this?? Paying good

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I can do this, send me a pm with the username

This topic is now a paid Featured Topic and it will be seen on the front page until Oct 1st. Good luck with sales!


Can u open disabled Insta?

yes, pm me the details

Can you unban deleted accounts?