Earn targeted followers and lifetime royalty commissions on your Instagram account through the Amazon kindle service

Service type: Amazon Kindle / Instagram Monetization
Price: $250


The Amazon kindle program let’s you publish books on Amazon and get paid a revenue share commission every time your book is sold on Amazon.


Thousands of people worldwide are making 100s and 1000s of dollars monthly selling books on Amazon. Don’t be left out.

What is this service about ?

This service is about using your Instagram account as a funnel set up to promote
and earn lifetime royalty commissions through the Amazon kindle program.

The Set Up is all done for you.

Anyone with an Instagram account in any niche can benefit from this service.

What you get

  1. An Amazon kindle account ( if you don’t have one already )
  2. An Instagram account in your chosen niche ( if you don’t have one )
  3. 20 low content books, designed and all ready to be published to your Kindle Account.
  4. 20k Instagram direct messages to targeted users redirecting to your books on Amazon
    Through your Instagram account.

Benefits of this service.

  1. Set up a passive income system to Earn lifetime commissions from Amazon kindle
  2. Get new and engaging followers from your target audience through direct message promotion of your Amazon books.

On request, You can add more books to your kindle library and also increase the number of Instagram users to promote your amazon books to.

If you have any questions regarding this service or you require more info

Please Drop a comment or Send a Direct Message.

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