Facebook - Ineligible country

Hey everyone!

I have a big Facebook page (660K followers at the moment) that makes a lot of money when it’s monetized (through Reels and videos, $500+ a day), but my probelm is that I don’t live in an eligible country. Due to this, I get monetization for a few days, then FB takes it down due to the country issue.

Is it possible to somehow trick FB into thinking I was in an eligible country? I tried VPN, but to no avail. I also added 2 more admins from eligible countries, but nothing. If I knew that it’d work, I’d move as well, but I’m not sure.

Anyone has a solution?

Thank you!

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My topic fixes this issue !

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When you added new admins from eligible country, remove the admin/editor from ingelible and it will be fixed within 24-48H


Thank you, I’ll try that. The problem is that I am from ineligible country, so I’ll have to find a different way

You can buy a VPS and connect from VPS and work in your page!


Using same profile? If not where to buy

I set up a virtual computer in the United States and logged in with my account, right after logging out of all of my devices. I’ll use the account exclusively through the computer now and see if it helps

You must create new us acc, if you login with the id that you used in ineligible country that wont work. For sure

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Thank you, I’ll do that. I appreciate your help!

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UPDATE: Made a new account, added it to the page and got ads approved…gonna update my post after a few weeks after I see if the method works for the long term!

Lovely if I helped you to fix it, please mark as “solution “ my comments! Cheers

They flagged the page again for ineligible country, even though the page transparency section shows only those eligible countries…so weird

Still looking for a solution. I made a US account and made it an admin, but after 3 weeks, I still get ads for only a day or two. Today, I got ads back, but only for 2 hours. I access the US account through Google Compute Engine.

At the moment, the page has 3 admins, and all of them live in eligible countries. However, Facebook keeps demonetizing my page due to an ineligible country.


What payout method are you using? Is the payout bank or paypal in an eligible country?

By a server

I am using a wire transfer. And yes, it’s in an eligible country (UAE).

Okay. If a payout account is from in-eligible country , the page loses its monetization again and again. If you login the profiles from an ineligible country , even for a second, it triggers the system. I have been through it and know this for a fact. Furthermore, If you use VPNs or any other such system, you will keep getting flagged. The only way now is either use a physical pc or laptop placed in an eligible country, login via teamviewer and do the work remotely. Most of the vpn services, vps , cloud servers etc are flagged constantnly.

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Thank you. The only problem is that I am using a virtual PC through Google, but I will try to sort that out too and see if it works