Facebook / Instagram Verification (check new thread on details)

can you verify companys?

Yes if it’s legit with press etc

what sort of press do i need? check us out we are called Please do not give out company names in public let us know if we can get verified

Do you need all four or some?

please all requirements it’s mentioned:) collect and send me

extra : another socila verified - wikipedia - google knowledge

the more material you have = more chances to be verified

what would a company need for all this?

@SMM is the REAL DEAL!!

I have sent a special request since this is a business handle and that too a CBD company.

He got it verified within few hours, UNBELIEVABLE STUFF!!


pm me details for a company

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Can confirm! Verified a hard to verify niche in less than 10 hours! Do 2-3 more and you get spotlight + highlight!


Hey can I ask what kind of press you had?

pm me i am super serious and will pay good money if you can get me verified

Sent you a PM 15+ press

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Does he verify brands or only personal profiles

You can ask me directly
Anyway business too :

4.5k usd plus fee
250$ extra if its related to cbd / cannabis

Requirements same as public figures + an online trademark



We’re interested in getting verified, but we had some issues with our Facebook page.

FB disabled it for copyright infringement due to a video reported and no case number was provided. Our IG was also disabled, but since we had a report # we were able to reach an agreement with the video owners and we recovered it.

The owners are willing to withdraw their claim in FB, but since we have no reference number there, we’re stalemated.

Is there a foreseeable solution?

Dang SMM you killing the game right now bro :fire:

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Thanks for the prompt response.

We do have PR where can we get the online trade mark from?

Unlucky out of my knowledge man