Facebook network for sale Usa Top 1, 2,3 / (15 assets) pages and groups included (VIP Seller) new listing 06.28

Country of followers (majority): international
Amount of fans/followers: +6M
Topic/Niche: Music, quotes, celebrities, sport
Promotion methods used? No
(Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): shares on my network

Big Facebook network for sale
Audience: Usa Top 1, top 2, top 3 assets
Quotes, Music, sport, celebrities etc…
Some pages are active other are inactive does the lack of time to post
2 big Facebook groups and Facebook blueprint are included
Dm for more info and insights
Please no contact offsite!

Looking for some prices. Bulk deal and separate prices

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Check pm please…


do you want to rent me the pages on a monthly basis?

Best regards

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Let me know if you want to sell the traffic
Daily payments will be made
I need unlimited traffic
Traffic will be counted via Google Analytics

Check pm

Links please

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Hello. I.m interested in your account. How much does it cost? Please, PM.

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Check pm please

Check pm please

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