Fanpage - 67K likes - US/UK/AU - Men videos related (sports/fights/accidents)

Property type: Facebook fanpage
Amount of fans/followers: 67,000
Country of followers (majority): See img below
Topic/Niche: Men related videos.
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: Best offer.

A page with an excellent title and @handle, it somewhat resembles pages like UNILAD (except it’s much smaller). But, the niche is the same. Videos that men love to watch, including stupid pranks, sports outtakes, fights, car accidents, etc.

Please send me url.

Url and price please

Can you please PM the link and your price. im very interested. Thanks

Pm url pls


I’m interested :slight_smile:
Can I get price and url plz ?

URL ando price please

I am honestly lost as I have quite a few PM’s, but I believe I have a current offer for 350 (maybe 400) for this particular page. I will let this run until Wednesday and pick the highest offer.

url and price please

SOLD! Thanks me for using SWAPD!

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