Food IG - Desserts - 134k - $345

Country of followers (majority): Brazil, United States
Amount of followers: 135k
Topic/Niche: Desserts
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): I manually followed people until I got the first 1000 followers and from then 100% organic.


  • High engagement
  • Great username
  • Grows At a decent rate just posting once per day. If you have time to make more posts it can grow much faster.

This page has a huge potential to monetize. You can make money promoting Pay Per Install offers, creating a Dropshipping/E-Commerce store, doing Affiliate Marketing, selling shoutouts, etc

Not posted In a while due to other projects.

Heyy user?

Hello, what is the username?


very interested in this as i work in hospitality! send me the handle whenever

(post deleted by author)



Check DM

Can you send me the @?


300 cad dollars price thanks contact me ig aimal.krs

I am a serious buyer thanks bro