Front page Featured Topic spots available for August 2021 - Fixed price! Reserve your spot today [[[ SOLD OUT ]]]

Hello SWAPD’sters!

We are happy to announce the next opportunity to buy yourselves into the front page of SWAPD! As discussed in this topic, we offer three paid slots for the index page and for other categories on our website. The front page is the most successful way of advertising your topic, and here is why.

Here are the current stats!

While our paid Featured Topics are still quite new, here are a few statistics from the current ad spenders. We expect your topic to gain anywhere from 2000-5000 clicks per month when featured on the home page.

This month, the top paid topics gained the following views:

  • @Taz’s topic has reached 2400 views up until July 14th.
  • @Arual’s topic has reached 1300 views up until July 14th.
  • @Jkr123’s topic reached 1000 views up until July 14th.

To compare these results to a regular, non-promoted topic, an average listing gains an average of 4.7 views per day, which rounds up to 150 views per month.

We’re offering set pricing for the month of August 2021!

The current price for a featured home page topic is 1000 USD. The first buyer will receive a bonus which is a highlighted topic! We’re accepting reservations starting today, if you would like to purchase, please contact @administrators. First-come, first-serve basis. Please remember that not all topics will qualify, if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Not interested in the front page? No problem.

We have other, much cheaper categories available where you could also advertise. For more information and pricing, please see:


Results may vary. Your topic exposure will depend on what you’re offering and the topic title, which greatly affects the clickthrough rate.


I’m in, PM sent.

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One sold, two slots left for August 2021.

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Two sold! Last spot to go. These things are selling like hummus cakes!

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I’ll take one

Sorry @Jkr123, the last one just sold out 30 seconds ago :frowning: If anyone drops out by the time the payment is due, you will be first in line to collect the missing spot.

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I would like @RandyMarsh to handle this going forward instead of @SWAPD

To the 3 people buying this, I’m willing to buy it off you for $1200. 20% return within 5 minutes

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Well, that’s the easiest 200 USD profit I ever saw.

:partying_face: ­­

I can’t refuse such a good offer :rofl:

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Sure I can do it if SwapD gives me 50% of the revenue.