Get Published on Bloomberg, The Washington Post, USA TODAY, VOX + More For Only $999

Its feauture article or press realese

It’s a PR but we are good at turning it into a featured content style.
Let me know if you have any questions.

I’d be happy to serve your brand. :slight_smile:

DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE! :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Now, 1 ticket is open! :point_up:
Thank you!

Would you be able to send me a sample of what it looks like? Not of your clients, but just so we see as many say “sponsored content” or press release, etc.

Yes, I can send you one.

However, it is important to note that some publications will actually tag some content with “sponsored content” “press release” but mostly don’t.

I’ll send you a PM. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Currently pending a ticket :slight_smile: I’ll publish review once we’re done! Everything’s been smooth! GLWS

1 Like


Post screenshots then please and or DM samples. Thanks

CONFIRMED ANOTHER TICKET IS CONFIRMED. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

I will update everyone after two tickets are confirmed for your condidence.
Thank you everyone for the inquiry.

I suggest you place your order after two reviews. :slight_smile:

The publish it or still under review


Hello everyone :wave: :wave:

Recently, a lot has reached out via PM inquiring about this service.
For your convenience and for you to know if it’s a good fit for your needs.
I am answering some Frequently Asked Questions in this post, hoping that it will help you proceed with an educated purchase. :handshake:

My goal is for you and me to have a great experience in SWAPD all in all.
Let’s get started.

#1: Can you provide a sample? :question:

The shortest answer is No.
The reason I don’t provide a sample is due to the fact that I don’t want to expose and divulge our client’s details and information. We respect our clients’ privacy and data sharing.

#2: Will the post be tagged as “Sponsored” “Paid Promotion” “Press Release” etc.? :question:
The shortest answer is it depends on the site.
The reason is some sites just want to tag them but the majority of the site we’re working with do not.
As we don’t have control over their editorial and webmaster standards, it is up to the site.

#3: Will my post be permanent? :question:

The shortest answer is it depends on many factors.
While the majority of the site we work with keep the post for at least a year. Some factors why the post will be taken down is the post returns 404 Errors or broken pages, the post is time-sensitive, the post is seasonal, the post meets its purpose.

Example of 404 error page = the links in the copy are already offline.
Example of Time-sensitive post = the copy is about a bonus or sale or service.
Example of Serving a purpose post = the copy is about open positions looking to be filled.

#4 Does it include writing? :question:
Yes, up to 700 words, and to do just that, we needed you to provide the main focus of the topic you want written.

#Is it PR or Full Feature? :question:
This is Digital PR service. However, we write it in feature style.
Here’s an example of how it will look like, note, however, that this isn’t our work.

#5 Can I Pay After My Article is posted? :question:
The shortest answer is No.
We’ve shared this service on SWAPD since it is safe and has the fast escrow service.
The reason is apart from this service is resource-intensive on our end and cannot be refunded. Such as we cannot refund after the copy is written and after we ask our editorial team to secure a spot with affiliate sites. Therefore, to guarantee payment and service, we will need you to secure payment with #SWAPD first.

This way, our Buyer & Seller relationship is protected. Hence, if we don’t deliver, which will not happen, SWAPD will just have to refund your money. Whereas, if we deliver, and the seller changes his/her mind and doesn’t want to pay, for whatever reason, the fact the service is delivered, we will get paid by SWAPD.

All in all.
We guarantee Affordable PR needs + Delivery.

For more inquiries and questions, do not hesitate to reach out by sending me PM or by leaving your message on this thread.

BULK ORDERS will receive a huge discount.
Thank you everyone for your interest.


Replied to all. Will be back again in 7 hrs.
Thank you. :slight_smile:

We’re in writing stage this week we’ll be in publishing stage start of this week :slight_smile: I’ll share my review after everything’s done as of right it’s been good

1 Like

Hello everyone.

I am responding inquiries.
Thank you.

Will these articles show up on google when I search my name

Yes of course. Let me know if you have other questions.
Thank you.

are you reselling this from fiverr press release lol

Fortunately not. :slight_smile:

About to deliver my first complete order.
For inquiries, feel free to leave a message.

Thanks in advance,


  1. Adjusted the delivery within 7 working days.
  2. 1 ticket in this sales thread is open.

Thank you.