Guaranteed, High Quality & Fast PR Services | SWAPD Partner

Updated our PR list for December, if interested please PM for more info :slightly_smiling_face:

New Services we’ve started offering:

Guaranteed Daily Mail Placements! - DAILY MAIL - Guaranteed Placements, Quick TAT & Cheap Price! | MILLIONAIRE CLUB Member

Top 10 Listicle Placements! - TOP 10 LISTICLE PLACEMENTS | Variety, Maxim, Success, and more! | January 2023 | Millionaire Club Member

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Send me list and prices

Is there a list for
Twitter & IG verifications?

Hi Lunar, interested to start a Forbes Checkout ticket

Still available?

Yes, PM’d

Do you have bangkok post and anything in the UAE like gulf news or khaleej times?

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Good job

This price without fees ?

Swapd Fees are typically added on top.

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Check PM @Lunar ready to lock something in

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Can you send full list best for IG verification?

PM me please. I’d like more info