How can I make money?

I am currently a Computer Engineering student, and I am looking for ways to earn an income while studying in order to ease the financial burden on my family. At the moment, I make money by trading Instagram accounts, but as it is not a stable source of income, I face certain challenges. Since 2018, I have managed various Instagram accounts, collectively reaching an audience of over 50 million people. I would appreciate any suggestions or advice on a business model that could provide me with a more reliable and steady income.


Hello walkerx
you can make money by learning another online skills of your choice but i will like to enlighten you more on Digital Marketing
Are you interested???

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Thank you for your response. Digital marketing does sound interesting, but Im not too familiar with it. Could you explain a bit more about what it involves and how I can get started? I’d really appreciate any guidance you can offer!

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Which Country are you located??

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As a digital marketer i know much about e-commerce dropshipping business


Thanks! I’ve heard of dropshipping but haven’t tried it. Could you explain how it works and how to start?


you should sell marketing

I have fashion apparel niche that if we work together with marketing and affiliate pushing. Hopefully we can discuss