How To Swap Telegram Usernames Safely

:one: Account to Account:

  • Change your username on account 1 from @ username to @ username123
  • Make a public channel with link t. me/username
  • Join the channel on account 2
  • Transfer ownership of channel from account 1 to account 2
  • Change your channel’s link from t. me/username to t. me/username123
  • Change your username on account 2 to @ username

:two: Channel to Channel:

  • Change your channel 1’s link from t. me/username to t. me/username123
  • Change your channel 2’s link to t. me/username

:three: Channel to Account:

  • Change your channel’s link from t. me/username to t. me/username123
  • Change your account username to @ username

** :four: Account to Channel:**

  • Change your account’s username from @ username to @ username123
  • Create a public channel with link t. me/username

:warning: If your username is a collectible NFT, you must use Fragment to assign it to your account/group/channel via Fragment


  • Account-To-Account swapping requires 2FA for at least Seven days.

  • If the username is listed on Fragment, you must remove it first before doing the swap.

  • Avoid swapping more than twice per hour to avoid the rate limit; otherwise, you lose the username.

  • Make sure to complete the swap within 15 minutes of username release, as exceeding that will lead to you losing the username.


Oh wow . Thats some helpful info


I have my NFT projects username but now someone claim due to inactive now how to take it back :back: Help

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Now listed on Fragment with $149 bucks how it’s happen.???

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How To Assign an NFT Telegram Username:

Step 1: Buy your NFT username using Fragment or receive it on your Tonkeeper.

Step 2: Upon connecting your Tonkeeper TON wallet & Telegram account to Fragment, go to Fragment and Then My Assets.

Step 3: Select the username you wish to assign/swap and click “Assign to Telegram”.

Step 4: Choose your personal profile, or a group/channel.

Step 5: Go to your Telegram account settings to activate the username if it was assigned to a profile, or group/channel type in settings to activate the username if it was assigned to a chat.


so helpful thanks boss

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Nice article!

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Does this still work, @Flash? I’m trying to do a channel to account swap.

helpful and important thanks