Husky Instagram Account (30,2K followers)

Current offer?

2 USD. Take it or leave it.

Send ticket 2$ thanks

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Do not see a price listed.

Price ? Username ?

What is the price in mind ?

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350 USD
PM me for handle.

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you still did not sell this thing

dang market is really down

Yes, the market is down. I am not even overpricing them, I want initially what I paid for them, no profit. I’ve spoken to a few big sellers, it seems all the marketplaces are suffering. Buying/selling social assets is tough now. Services, however, are still doing fine and well.

You should take this offer. That’s as good as it gets.

Either that, or do a end of the year giveaway.

Seeing this topic highlighted, marked as staff is sad.

No! I prefer to be sad. I am literally selling at purchase price, so no no and no.
And since very few people have participated in our contests lately, also no. Not going to appease 3-4 users each time (that’s why you no longer see many contests).


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@Defnotdave do it $250 and take it.