IG Generic|Non Generic Claims|Fast

GENERIC NAMES starting price 6k+ or more depending on name or human pfp

NON GENERIC start 1.5k+ depending on name

3-5 letters starting price is always 8-10k +

TAT 0-4 days for non generic

15-35 days for Generic

If it’s a non generic name we have a high success rate if everything else is in order such as good place
Holder and good bio ( may ask you to make temp changes to bio)

generic success rates 99%

Message me your username you want claimed and which account you want it swapped to. Or if you have a fresh acc

Your desired username for non generics must be from an inactive account for at least 6 months to a year. No business pages or meta verified accounts


This topic is now a Featured Paid Listing! TYVM and GLWS!

pm sent!

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Fast a generic claim for me best seller :raised_hands:

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Pleasure doing business with you!

can you do better then 1.5 for non g

Sended u a dm