IG + Pinterest Growth/Exposure Consulting

Service type: Consulting for Companies or Media page owners
Price: Depending on size of the project! Please DM me :slight_smile:


Hey guys!

I thought after all these years doing consulting for companies IRL and running roughly 100 media pages, I thought I’d offer my services on the best platform there is :crazy_face:

I started working on IG about 6 years ago, by buying and selling Instagram accounts. My first page was actually a babe page lol, but I ended up getting the hang of it and used to flip multiple pages per month in all different niches.

After I moved to Canada I was working with a client that worked in the cinema industry and I acquired and managed a network of movie/tv accounts. I then acquired @natures, which had around 200k followers at the time. I used that page to grow clients like @roam from 200k to 900k over the 2 years that I owned the page. I built @natures to about 1.2m in 3 months (it was the most viewed nature page on IG during that time) and then all the way up to 2m before it was sold to a real estate agency and horribly rebranded.

Here is a quick screenshot of my best week on the account that I’m still very proud of:

I was then contacted by the Founder and CEO of @aloyoga. I started consulting for the company after 2 years of convincing the owner that I could run their main account and surrounding media network (@yogainspiration, @yogagoals, @yogachannle) better than their current team. I consulted for Alo for 2 years during the pandemic. After I left the company, a previous exec from Alo left to Nestle/@vitalproteins, and I started doing the same thing for that company. I helped with influencers, organic social, and pretty much anything needed on Social Media. During my time with Vital Proteins I started working on Pinterest and I managed to drive a total of 800m impressions in the span of 1 year using my own Pinterest (@trainandtransform) and their Pinterest account (@vitalproteins).

After I left Vital Proteins, I worked with Gary Vee’s company Galleria Media Group, which owns a lot of social assets. I still had this contact from selling them a hair/inspo page back in 2017.

I managed @blinkbeauty, @cocktails, @selfcare, @healthfood, @thefashionista, and @shows for them. I basically showed them how to regain activity and turn the pages around since most of them were dying.

I currently own a car network and some smaller fitness pages that I’m working on on the side.

My primary expertise lies in increasing organic reach for media pages, which is a concept that also works really well for businesses. There’s no project too big, and if there is any way that I can help by providing my services then I would love to!

Send me a message if this is something that you might find interesting!


Can vouch for Zenobia,

Bought consulting from him last year, before it was even offered just because i saw what he was able to achieve on Pinterest.

He really knows his way around Pinterest.


thanks so much for the vouch man!:pray: @Themepage


how much per month ?


solely depends on the size of the project :slight_smile: Ill shoot you a PN


Interested in this for my for my clothing line Dm me pricing bro


PM sent!


Pretty cool stuff, Interested.


Would love to
Chat with you about this!

Shoot me a pm brother


PM’d you